Alexander van Wickeren bibliography

Recent publications:

(with Jean Stubbs and William Clarence-Smith) (eds), Tobacco in Global Perspective, 1780-1960, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024

‘Tobacco Cultivation, Agricultural Enlightenment and Modern State Building in the Napoleonic Empire’, in: Matheus Alves Duarte da Silva, Thomás A. S. Haddad and Kapil Raj (eds.), Knowing Empires: Construction and Circulation of Knowledge in a Global Imperial Age (1700-1914), Routledge: London (forthcoming).

Wissensräume im Wandel. Eine Geschichte der deutsch französischen Tabakforschung (1780 1870), Böhlau: Cologne, Weimar and Vienna 2020.

‘The Transformation of an Ecological Policy. Acclimatization of Cuban Tobacco Varieties and Public Scandalization in the French Empire, c. 1860-1880’, in: Brett Bennett and Ulrike Kirchberger (eds.), Environments of Empire. Networks and Agents of Ecological Change, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2019, pp. 19-38.

‘Territorializing Atlantic Knowledge: The French State Tobacco Monopoly and the Globalization of the Havana Cigar around Mid-19th Century’, in: Lothar Schilling and Jakob Vogel (eds.), Transnational Cultures of Expertise. Knowledge and the Rise of the Modern State, De Gruyter: Berlin 2019, pp. 181-191.