Kongo in the Age of Empire, 1860-1913: The Breakdown of a Moral Order (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2015).
“Inequality and the Future of Global History: A Round Table Discussion,” with J. McClure et al., Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies 3 (2019): 53-81.
“Coffee, Cash, and Consumption: Rethinking Commodity Production in the Global South,” Radical History Review 131 (2018): 183-188.
“Império, Patronato e uma Revolta no Reino do Kongo” Cadernos de Estudos Africanos 33 (2017): 157-182.
“Introduction,” with P. Axelsson and P. T. de Matos, Anais de História de Além-Mar 16 (2015), special issue on The Demography of the Portuguese Empire: 11-18.
“Work in Times of Slavery, Colonialism, and Civil War: Labor Relations in Angola from 1800 to 2000,” History in Africa 41 (2014): 363-385.
“Demografia e relações de trabalho em Angola c.1800: um ensaio metodológico,” with P. T. de Matos, Diálogos 17, 3 (2013): 804-34. Reprinted in Relações laborais em Portugal e no mundo lusófono: história e demografia, eds. Marcelo Badaró Mattos et al. (Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 2014): 49-69.
“Of Stocks and Barter: John Holt and the Kongo Rubber Trade, 1906-1910,” Portuguese Studies Review 19, 1-2 (2011): 153-175. Reprinted in Global Histories, Imperial Commodities, Local Interactions, ed. Jonathan Curry-Machado (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013): 77-99.
“Kongo and the Coastal States of West Central Africa,” in Oxford Bibliographies in African Studies, ed. Thomas Spear (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012; 2015; 2018).
“The Slave Trade from the Windward Coast: The Case of the Dutch, 1740-1805,” African Economic History 38 (2010): 29-51.
“Child Slaves and Freemen at the Spiritan Mission in Soyo, 1880-1885,” Journal of Family History 35, 1 (2010): 71-90.
“Kongo Cosmopolitans in the Nineteenth Century,” in The Kongo Kingdom: The Origins, Dynamics and Cosmopolitan Culture of an African Polity, eds. Koen Bostoen and Inge Brinkman (Cambridge University Press, 2018): 235-53
“The Growth of the Atlantic Slave Trade on the Windward Coast of Africa,” in The Rise and Demise of Atlantic Slavery and the Slave Trade: New Perspectives, eds. Kristin Mann and Philip Misevich (Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2016): 128-151
“African Adaptations of Christianity,” in The Princeton Companion to Atlantic History, ed. Joseph C. Miller (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015): 93-96
“Kongo, North America and the Slave Trade,” in Kongo across the Waters, eds. Susan Cooksey et al. (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2013): 40-49
“Kongo in the Age of Empire,” with H. Vanhee, in Kongo across the Waters (2013): 78-87
“Portuguese Slave Trade in the Americas,” with K. Kananoja, in Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, ed. Immanuel Ness (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2013)
“‘Without the slave trade no recruitment’: From Slave Trading to ‘Migrant Recruitment’ in the Lower Congo, 1830-1890,” in Trafficking in Slavery’s Wake: Law and the Experience of Women and Children in Africa, eds. Benjamin Lawrance and Richard Roberts (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2012): 45-64
“From Colonial Revolt to Pre-Colonial History: reflections on the Kongo uprising of 1913,” in Das autonomias à autonomia e à independência: o Atlântico político entre os séculos XV e XXI, ed. Avelino de Freitas de Menezes (Ponta Delgada: Letras Lavadas, 2012): 137-52