Population Politics in the Tropics. Demography, Health and Transimperialism in Colonial Angola (CUP 2022) and ‘A New Pastoral Frontier. Colonial Development, Environmental Knowledge, and the Introduction of Trypanotolerant Cattle in French Equatorial Africa, 1945-1960’, Environmental History 27,4 (2022): 692-721
Population Politics in the Tropics. Demography and Health in Colonial Angola, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2022).
Edited Books
(As part of the) Population Knowledge Network (Ed.), Twentieth Century Population Thinking. A Critical Reader in Primary Sources. London/New York: Routledge 2015 (Paperback 2017).
Journal Articles
‘A New Pastoral Frontier. Colonial Development, Environmental Knowledge, and the Introduction of Trypanotolerant Cattle in French Equatorial Africa, 1945-1960’, Environmental History 27,4 (2022): 692-721
‘Disease Control and Public Health in Colonial Africa’, in: The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, ed. by Thomas Spears, Oxford University Press (2020) [42pp.]
‘Sleeping Sickness Control and the Transnational Politics of Mass Chemoprophylaxis in Portuguese Colonial Africa’, Portuguese Studies Review 25.1 (2017), pp. 57-89.
‘Reordering Colonial Society. Model Villages and Social Planning in Rural Angola, 1920-1945’, Journal of Contemporary History 52.1 (2017), pp. 16-44.
‘Tensions of Colonial Demography. Depopulation Anxieties and Population Statistics in Interwar Angola’, Contemporanea. Rivista di storia dell’800 e del ‘900 18.3 (2015), pp. 472-478.
‘Inter-Imperial Learning and African Health Care in Portuguese Angola in the Interwar Period’, Social History of Medicine 28.1 (2015), pp. 134-154.
‘The Problem of Freedom in a Mid Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Slave Society. The Liberated Africans of the Anglo-Portuguese Mixed Commission in Luanda (1844-1870)’, Slavery and Abolition 33.3 (2012), pp. 479-500.
‘Apprenticeship and the Negotiation of Freedom. The Liberated Africans of the Anglo-Portuguese Mixed Commission in Luanda (1844-1870)’, Africana Studia 14 (2010), pp. 255-273.
Book Chapters and Working Papers
‘Re-assessing Portuguese exceptionalism. Racial concepts and colonial policies towards the Bushmen in southern Angola, 1880s-1970s’, in: Anderson, Warwick; Roque, Ricardo and Ventura Santos, Ricardo: Luso-tropicalism and Its Discontents. The Making and Unmaking of Racial Exceptionalism in the Portuguese-speaking World, New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books 2019, pp. 184-214.
Extending the Pastoral Frontier. The Introduction of Cattle Farming in French Equatorial Africa during Late Colonialism (Commodities of Empire Working Paper No. 28), June 2017.
‘Medical Demography in Interwar Angola. Measuring and Negotiating Health, Reproduction and Difference’, in: Widmer, Alexandra and Lipphardt, Veronika (eds.), Health and Difference. Rendering Human Variation in Colonial Engagements. New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books 2016, pp. 178-204.
(together with Alexandra Widmer:) ‘Colonial Demography. Discourses, Rationalities, Methods’, in: Population Knowledge Network (eds.), Twentieth Century Population Thinking. A Critical Reader in Primary Sources. London/New York: Routledge 2016, pp. 37-64.
‘Siedlungsvorgänge im südlichen Portugal und im Königreich Jerusalem im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert. Einige Strukturmerkmale im Vergleich’, in: Brauer, Michael; Rychterová, Pavlína; Wihoda, Martin (eds.), Die mittelalterliche Kolonisation. Vergleichende Untersuchungen. Prag: Zentrum für Mediävistische Studien 2009, pp. 35-62.