William Clarence-Smith bibliography

Authored Books
William, Clarence-Smith (2006) Islam and the Abolition of Slavery. Hurst & Company.

Clarence-Smith, William (2000) Cocoa and Chocolate 1765-1914. Routledge.

Edited Books or Journal Volumes

Van Wickeren, Alexander; Stubbs, Jean; and Clarence-Smith, William Gervase, eds (2024) Tobacco in Global Perspective, London: Palgrave Macmillan

Curry-Machado, Jonathan; Stubbs, Jean; Clarence-Smith, William; and Vos, Jelmer, eds. (2023), Handbook of Commodity History, New York: OUP

Clarence-Smith, William and Freitag, Ulrich, eds. (2015) al-Shatât al Hadramî: tujjâr, ‘ulamâ’, wa rijâl dawlah Hadârim fi al-Muhît al-Hindî, 1750-1960m [(Arabic translation of Hadhrami traders, scholars and statesmen in the Indian Ocean, 1750s to 1960s; co-edited with Ulrike Freitag]. Tarim (Hadhramaut): Tarîm lil-Dirâsât wa al-Nashr.

Reyes, Raquel A.G. and Clarence-Smith, William, eds. (2012) Sexual Diversity in Asia, c. 600 – 1950. London, New York: Routledge.

Clarence-Smith, William and Topik, S., eds. (2003) The global coffee economy in Africa, Asia and Latin America, 1500-1989. Cambridge University Press.

Book Chapters
‘The donkey trade in the Indian Ocean World in the long nineteenth century’, in Martha Chaiklin, Philip Gooding, and Gwyn Campbell, eds., Animal trade histories in the Indian Ocean World, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, pp. 147-79.

‘Moroccan Jews and the Lusophone World: reciprocal impact, 1774-1975,’ in Francisco J. Martínez, ed., Entangled peripheries: new contributions to the history of Portugal and Morocco; essays in homage to Eva Maria von Kemnitz, Évora: Cidehus, 2020 (DOI: 10.4000/books.cidehus.12638; Electronic ISBN: 9791036558931)

‘Jesuits and mules in colonial Latin America: innovators or managers?’ in Linda Newson, ed., Cultural worlds of the Jesuits in colonial Latin America, London, University of London Press, 2020, pp. 209-227.

‘An Ottoman notable in America, 1915-16: Sayyid Wajih al-Kilani of Nazareth,’ in John Ghazvinian and Arthur M. Fraas, eds., American and Muslim Worlds before 1900, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, pp. 139-48.

‘The global commerce in sponges, 1815-1945,’ in Ed Emery, ed., The global life of sponges: proceedings of the International Sponges Conference [SOAS, University of London], Island of Hydra, Greece, 19-20 May 2018, London: RN Books, 2020, pp. 55-68.

‘The Cuban sponge economy, 1850s-1980s,’ in Ed Emery, ed., The global life of sponges: proceedings of the International Sponges Conference [SOAS, University of London], Island of Hydra, Greece, 19-20 May 2018, London: RN Books, 2020, pp. 141-6.

‘The pearl commodity chain: early nineteenth century to the end of the Second World War,’ in Pedro Machado, Steve Mullins, and Joseph Christensen, eds., Pearls, people, and power: pearling and Indian Ocean worlds, Athens (OH): Ohio University Press, 2019, pp. 31-54.

‘Elephants in Mongol history: from military obstacles to symbols of Buddhist power,’ in Rotem Kowner, Guy Bar-Oz, Michal Biran, Meir Shahar, and Gideon Shelach-Lavi, eds. Animals and human society in Asia: historical and ethical perspectives, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 241-66.

‘al-Muhajirun al-‘Arab al-Muslimun fi al-Filibin fi athna’ ala asti‘mar: al‘alaqat bi Hadramawt,’ in Noel Brehony, ed., Hadhramawt wa al-mahjar, Riyadh: King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies, 2019, pp. 169-90. [Arabic translation of 2017 publication]

‘Betel, tobacco, and beverages in Southeast Asia,’ in Raquel A. G. Reyes, ed., Art, trade, and cultural mediation in Asia, 1600-1950, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 75-102.

‘Mules in the Indian Ocean World: breeding and trade in the long nineteenth century, 1780s to 1918,’ in Angela Schottenhammer, ed., Early global interconnectivity across the Indian Ocean World, volume II: exchange of ideas, religions, and technologies, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 295-317.

‘Middle Eastern migrants in the Philippines: entrepreneurs and cultural brokers,’ in Isaac Donoso, ed., More Islamic than we admit: insights into Philippine cultural history, Quezon City: Vibal Foundation, Inc., 2018, pp. 251-81. [reprint, with minor corrections, of 2005 piece]

‘The industrialization of the developing world, and its impact on labour relations, 1840s to 1940s,’ in Karin Hoofmeester and Pim De Zwart, eds., Colonialism, institutional change, and shifts in global labour relations, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018, pp. 29-65.

‘Migrantes del sur de Asia en Filipinas a lo largo del siglo XIX,’ in María Dolores Elizalde and Xavier Huets de Lemps, eds., Filipinas, siglo XIX: coexistencia e interacción entre comunidades en el imperio español, Madrid: Ediciones Polifemo, 2017, pp. 363-92.

‘Arab Muslim migrants in the colonial Philippines: the Hadhramaut connection’, in Noel Brehony, ed., Hadhramaut and its diaspora: Yemeni politics, identity, and migration, London: I. B. Tauris, 2017, pp. 124-41.

‘Elephants in Islamic history’, 2017 http://www.geocities.ws/soaselephantconference2016/clarence-smith.pdf

‘Sephardic Jews from Morocco in the lusophone world, 1774-1975,’ in Manuel Sílvio Alves Conde, Margarida Vaz do Rego Machado, and Susanna Serpa Silva, eds., Percursos da história: estudos in memoriam de Fátima Sequeira Dias, Ponta Delgada (Azores): Nova Gráfica, 2016, pp. 195-208.

‘Chocolate consumption from the sixteenth century to the great chocolate boom,’ in Mara P. Squicciarini and Johan Swinnen, eds., The economics of chocolate, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 43-70. (reprint, with minor corrections, of chapter in 2000 book)

‘The economics of the Indian Ocean and Red Sea slave trades in the 19th century: an overview,’ in William G. Clarence-Smith, ed., The economics of the Indian Ocean slave trade in the nineteenth century, London: Routledge, 2015, pp. 1-20 (paperback reprint of 1989 edition).

‘Middle Eastern states and the Philippines under early American rule, 1898-1919,’ in A. C. S. Peacock and Annabel Teh Gallop, eds., From Anatolia to Aceh: Ottomans, Turks and Southeast Asia, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 199-219.

‘Middle Eastern diasporas in Portugal and the Portuguese empire, c. 1750-1975.’ In: Batou, Jean and Beauvois, Frédérique and David, Thomas and Humbert, Mathieu and Lutzelschwab, Claude, (eds.), Deux mondes, une planète/ Two worlds, one plaanet: mélanges offerts à Bouda Etemad/ essays in honor of Bouda Etemad. Lausanne: Éditions d’en Bas, 2015, pp. 199-209.

‘Breeding and power in Southeast Asia: horses, mules and donkeys in the longue durée.’ In: Henley, David and Schulte Nordholt, Henk, (eds.), Environment, trade and society in Southeast Asia: a longue durée perspective. Leiden: Brill, 2015, pp. 32-45. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en VolkenkundeVerhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde)

‘Africa’s “battle for rubber” in the Second World War.’ In: Byfield, Judith A. and Brown, Carolyn A. and Parsons, Timothy and Sikainga, Ahmad A., (eds.), Africa and World War II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp. 166-182.

‘The textile industry of eastern Africa in the longue durée.’ In: Akyeampong, Emmanuel and Bates, Robert and Nunn, Nathan and Robinson, James, (eds.), Africa’s development in historical perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 264-294.

‘Slavery in early modern Russia.’ In: Hanns, Stefan and Schiel, Juliane, (eds.), Mediterranean slavery revisited, 500-1800. Zurich: Chronos Verlag, 2014, pp. 119-142.

‘Islamic abolitionism in the western Indian Ocean from c. 1800.’ In: Harms, Robert and Freamon, Bernard K. and Blight, David W., (eds.), Indian Ocean slavery in the age of abolition. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013, pp. 81-97.

‘Wajih al-Kilani, shaykh al Islam of the Philippines and notable of Nazareth, 1913-1916.’ In: Yazbak, Mahmoud and Sharif, Sharif, (eds.), Nazareth history and cultural heritage. Nazareth: Nazareth Municipality, 2013, pp. 172-192. (Nazareth Academic Studies Series, No. 2)

‘Debt and the coercion of labour in the Islamic legal tradition.’ In: Campbell, Gwyn and Stanziani, Alessandro, (eds.), Bonded labour and debt in the Indian Ocean World. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2013, pp. 21-30.

‘The battle for rubber in the Second World War: cooperation and resistance.’ In: Curry-Machado, Jonathan, (ed.), Global histories, imperial commodities, local interactions. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp. 204-223.

‘Rubber cultivation in Indonesia and the Congo from the 1910s to the 1950s: divergent paths.’ In: Frankema, Ewout and Buelens, Frans, (eds.), Colonial exploitation and economic development: the Belgian Congo and the Netherlands Indies compared. London: Routledge, 2013, pp. 193-210.

‘The historical spread of Trypanosoma evansi (surra) in camels: a factor in the weakening of Islam?’ In: Emery , Ed, (ed.), Selected papers from the first international conference ‘Camel cultures: historical traditions, present threats and future prospects’. London: RN Books, 2013, pp. 87-94.

‘The Hadhrami sada and the evolution of an Islamic religious international, c.1750s to 1930s.’ In: Green , Abigail and Viaene, Vincent, (eds.), Religious internationals in the modern world: globalization and faith communities since 1750. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 233-251.

‘Female circumcision in Southeast Asia since the coming of Islam.’ In: Raghavan, Chitra and Levine, James P., (eds.), Self-determination and women’s rights in Muslim societies. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, 2012, pp. 124-146.

‘Same-sex relations and transgender identities in Islamic Southeast Asia from the fifteenth century.’ In: Reyes, Raquel A. G. and Clarence-Smith, William, (eds.), Sexual diversity in Asia, c. 600-1950. London: Routledge, 2012, pp. 67-85.

‘The expansion of cotton textile production in the western Indian Ocean, c1500-c1850.’ In: C. A., Stefan and Smith, Halikowski, (eds.), Reinterpreting Indian Ocean worlds: essays in honour of Kirti N. Chaudhuri. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd., 2011, pp. 84-106.

‘The redemption of child slaves by Christian missionaries in Central Africa, 1878-1914.’ In: Campbell, Gwyn and Miers, Suzanne and Miller, Joseph C., (eds.), Child slaves in the modern world. Athens, OH.: Ohio University Press, 2011, pp. 173-190.

(With David Eltis) ‘White servitude.’ In: Eltis, David and Engerman, Stanley, (eds.), The Cambridge world history of slavery, volume 3, AD 1420-AD 1804. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 132-159.

‘Southeast Asia and China, c. 1800 to c. 1910.’ In: Robinson, Francis, (ed.), The new Cambridge history of Islam, volume 5: The Islamic world in the age of Western dominance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, pp. 240-268.

‘L’esclavage et son abolition dans l’histoire de l’Islam.’ In: Stanziani, Alessandro, (ed.), Le travail contraint en Asie et en Europe, XVIIe-XXe siècles. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 2010, pp. 93-116.

‘La SOCFIN (Groupe Rivaud) entre l’Axe et les Alliés.’ In: Bonin, Hubert and Bouneau, Christophe and Joly, Hervé, (eds.), Les enterprises et l’outre-mer français pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Pessac: Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, 2010, pp. 99-113.

‘Diseases of equids in Southeast Asia, c.1800-c.1945: apocalypse or progress?’ In: Brown, Karen and Gilfoyle, Daniel, (eds.), Healing the herds: disease, livestock economies, and the globalization of veterinary medicine. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2010, pp. 129-145.

‘The British “official mind” and nineteenth-century Islamic debates over the abolition of slavery.’ In: Hamilton, Keith and Salmon, Patrick, (eds.), Slavery, diplomacy and empire: Britain and the suppression of the slave trade, 1807-1975. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2009, pp. 125-142.

‘The production of cotton textiles in early modern South-East Asia.’ In: Riello, Giorgio and Parthasarathi, Prasannan, (eds.), The spinning world: a global history of cotton textiles, 1200-1850. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 127-142.

‘Entrepreneurial strategies of Hadhrami Arabs in Southeast Asia, c. 1750s-1950s.’ In: Abushouk, Ahmed I. and Ibrahim, Hassan A., (eds.), The Hadhrami diaspora in Southeast Asia: identity maintenance or assimilation? Leiden: Brill, 2009, pp. 135-158. (Social, economic, and political studies of the Middle East and Asia, v. 107)

‘Église, nation et esclavage: Angola et Mozambique portugais, 1878-1913.’ In: Pétré-Grenouilleau, Olivier, (ed.), Abolir l’esclavage: un réformisme à l’épreuve, France, Portugal, Suisse, XVIIIe-XIXe siècles. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2008, pp. 149-167.

‘The global consumption of hot beverages, c. 1500 to c. 1900.’ In: Nützenadel, Alexander and Trentmann, Frank, (eds.), Food and globalization: consumption, markets and politics in the modern world. Oxford: Berg, 2008, pp. 37-55.

‘Southeast Asia and Southern Africa in the maritime horse trade of the Indian Ocean, c. 1800-1914.’ In: Bankoff, Greg and Swart, Sandra, (eds.), Breeds of empire; the ‘invention’ of the horse in Southeast Asia and Southern Africa, 1500-1950. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2007, pp. 21-32.

‘Scientific and technological interchanges between the Islamic world and Europe, c. 1450-c. 1800.’ In: Cavaciocchi, Simonetta, (ed.), Relazioni economiche tra Europa e mondo islamico, secc. XIII-XVIII [Europe’s economic relations with the Islamic world, 13th-18th centuries], vol. 2. Prato: Le Monnier, 2007, pp. 719-737.

‘El cacao en Chiapas durante el largo siglo XIX’.’ In: Olivera, Mercedes and Palomo, María-Dolores, (eds.), Chiapas: de la independencia a la revolución. Publicaciones de la Casa Chata (Mexico), 2005, pp. 233-51.

‘Islam and the abolition of the slave trade and slavery in the Indian Ocean’.’ In: Campbell, Gwyn, (ed.), Abolition and its aftermath in the Indian Ocean Africa and Asia. Routledge (UK), 2005, pp. 137-49.

‘Lebanese and other Middle Eastern migrants in the Philippines.’ In: Usuki, Akira and Bajunid, Omar F. and Yamagishi, Tomoko, (eds.), Population movement beyond the Middle East; migration diaspora and network. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, 2005, pp. 115-143. (JCAS Symposium Series 17)

‘Middle-Eastern entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia, c. 1750-c.1940.’ In: Baghdiantz, Ina and Harlaftis, Gelina and Ioanna, &, (eds.), Diaspora entrepreneurial networks, four centuries of history. Berg (UK), 2004, pp. 217-44.

‘Cape to Siberia; the Indian Ocean and China Sea trade in equids.’ In: Killingray, David and Lincoln, Margarette and Rigby, Nigel, (eds.), Maritime empires; British imperial maritime trade in the nineteenth century. Boydell and Brewer (Woodbridge), 2004, pp. 48-67.

‘Horse Breeding in Mainland Southeast Asia and its Borderlands.’ In: Boomgaard, P. and Henley, D., (eds.), Smallholders and Stockbreeders. History of Foodcrop and Livestock Farming in Southeast Asia. KITLV Press, 2004, pp. 189-210.

(With S. Topik) ‘Conclusion: new propositions and a research agenda.’ In: W.G.Clarence-Smith, and S.Topik, , (eds.), The global coffee economy in Africa, Asia and Latin America, 1500-1989. Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 385-410.

(With S.Topik) ‘Introduction: coffee and global development.’ In: W.G.Clarence-Smith, and S.Topik, , (eds.), The global coffee economy in Africa, Asia and Latin America, 1500-1989. Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 1-17.

‘The coffee crisis in Asia, Africa and the Pacific, 1870-1914.’ In: W.G.Clarence-Smith, and S.Topik, , (eds.), The global coffee economy in Africa, Asian and Latin America, 1500-1989. Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 100-119.

‘The Coffee Crisis in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific, 1870-1914.’ In: Clarence-Smith, W.G. and Topik, S., (eds.), The Global Coffee Economy in Africa, Asia and Latin America, 1500-1989. Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 100-119.

‘Horse trading: the economic role of Arabs in the Lesser Sunda Islands, c.1800 to c.1940.’ In: de Jonge, Huub and Kaptein, Nico, (eds.), Transcending borders; Arabs, politics, trade and Islam in Southeast Asia. Leiden: KITLV Press, 2002, pp. 143-162.

‘The rise and fall of Hadhrami shipping in the Indian Ocean, c.1750 – c.1940.’ In: Parkin, D and Barnes, R, (eds.), Ships and the development of maritime technology across the Indian Ocean. Routledge Curzon (London), 2002, pp. 227-258.

‘The spread of coffee cultivation in Asia, from the seventeenth to the early nineteenth century.’ In: Tuchscherer, Michel, (ed.), Le commerce du café avant l’ère des plantations coloniales. Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale (Cairo), 2001, pp. 371-84.

‘Indian and Arab entrepreneurs in eastern Africa, 1800-1914.’ In: Bonin, H and Cahen, M, (eds.), Négoce blanc en Afrique Noire; l’évolution du commerce à longue distance en Afrique Noire, du 18e au 20e siècles. Société Française d’Histoire d’Outremer (Paris), 2001, pp. 335-49.

‘The Impact of 1898 on Spanish trade and investment in the Philippines.’ In: Macdonald/, C, (ed.), Old ties and new solidarities: Studies on Philippine communities. Ateneo de Manila University Press (Manila), 2000, pp. 234-68.

‘The Rivaud-Hallet plantation group in the economic crises of the inter-war years.’ In: Lanthier/H, P, (ed.), Private enterprises during economic crises: tactics and strategies. Legas (Ottawa), 1997, pp. 117-32.

‘Hadhramaut and the Hadhrami diaspora in the modern colonial era: an introductory survey [and] The economic role of the Hadhrami diaspora in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden [and] Hadhrami entrepreneurs in the Malay world c 1740-1940.’ In: Freitag, Ulrike and Clarence-Smith, W. G., (eds.), Hadhrami traders scholars and statesmen in the Indian Ocean 1750s to 1960s. E J Brill. (Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia; 57), 1997

‘London’s shell trade, c. 1800 to 1945’, London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Transactions, 69, 2020, pp. 296-8.

‘Equids in Mozambican history: the role of zebras, donkeys, horses, and their hybrids,’ Africana Studia, 27, 2018, pp. 111-25.

‘Grands et petits planteurs de caoutchouc en Afrique, 1934-1973.’ Économie Rurale: Agricultures, Alimentations, Territoires, 330-31 (2012). pp. 88-102.

‘The Portuguese empire and the “battle for rubber” in the Second World War.’ Portuguese Studies Review, 19 (1-2). (2011) pp. 177-196.

‘Islam and female genital cutting in Southeast Asia: the weight of the past.’ Journal of Ethnicity and Migration, 3 (2). (2008) pp. 14-22.

‘Eunuques et concubines dans le Sud-est asiatique musulman.’ Le Banian (6). (2008) pp. 56-66.

‘Eunuchs and concubines in the history of Islamic Southeast Asia.’ Manusya, Journal of Humanities. Special issue on ‘Sexuality in Southeast Asian history’, s14 (2007) pp. 8-19.

‘Islam and the abolition of slavery.’ Centre for Islamic Studies Newsletter (London School of Theology) (16) (2007). pp. 3-4.

‘Middle Eastern Migrants in the Philippines: Entrepreneurs and Cultural Brokers.’ Asian Journal of Social Science, 32 (3) (2004). pp. 425-57.

‘Elephants, horses, and the coming of Islam to Northern Sumatra.’ Indonesia and the Malay World, 32, 93 (2004). pp. 271-84.

Clarence-Smith, William (2009) The battle for rubber in the Second World War: cooperation and resistance. Open University and Institute for the Study of the Americas, Commodities of empire working paper No. 14.

Book Reviews
Clarence-Smith, William (2010) ‘Synthetic and temperate rubber in the interwar years and during World War II.’ Journal of Global History, 5 (1). pp. 171-176.

Clarence-Smith, William (2014) ‘Mules in the “English world”: cultural rejection versus practical utility.’ In: Gallery 8: Animals and empire exhibition. Los Angeles: Animal History Museum.