Jean Stubbs bibliography


Tobacco on the Periphery: A Case Study in Cuban Labour History, 1860-1958, new expanded edition, Amaurea Press, 2023

Tabaco en la periferia: El complejo agro-industrial cubano y su movimiento obrero 1860-1959, nueva edición, Amaurea Press, 2023

Handbook of Commodity History, Oxford University Press, New York (co-editors William Gervase Clarence-Smith, Jonathan Curry-Machado and Jelmer Vos), forthcoming 2023

Afro-Cuban Voices: On Race and Identity in Contemporary Cuba, University Press of Florida, Gainesville, Fla., (co-ed. Pedro Pérez Sarduy), 2020 [2000], pp.200.

Cuba, Clio Press World Bibliographical Series, Oxford (co-authors Lila Haines & Meic F. Haines), 1996, pp.350.

AFROCUBA: An Anthology of Cuban Writing on Race, Politics and Culture, Latin America Bureau/Center for Cuban Studies/Ocean Press, London/New York/Melbourne, (co‑ed. Pedro Pérez Sarduy), 1993, pp.308. [Spanish-language edition, with revised introduction, AFROCUBA: Una antología de escritos cubanos sobre la raza, la    política y la cultura , University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1998, pp.310.]

Cuba in Transition: Crisis and Transformation, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, (co‑eds. Sandor Halebsky et al), 1992, pp.244.

Cuba: the Test of Time, Latin America Bureau, London, l989, pp.142.

Tobacco on the Periphery: A Case Study in Cuban Labour History, l860‑1958, Cambridge University Press, l985, pp. 203. [Spanish-language edition Tabaco en la periferia: El complejo agro-industrial cubano y su movimiento obrero 1860-1959, Ciencias Sociales, Havana, 1989, pp.293.]


Journal Articles & Chapters in Books

“’Living Between Hurricanes’: Commodity Frontiers and Environmental Change in A Challenged Coastal Region of Cuba”, Diálogos Revista Electrónica de Historia, forthcoming 2021.

“Cuba-Canaries Havana Cigar Connections: A Hemispheric, Transatlantic and Global History” in Grandes vicios, grandes ingresos: el monopolio del tabaco en los imperios ibéricos, Siglos XVII-XX, eds. Santiago de Luxán Meléndez, Joao Figueiroa-Rego and Vicent Sanz Rozalén, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Madrid, forthcoming 2019, pp.253-292.

“Beyond Iberian Atlantic spaces: Trans-imperial and Trans-territorial Entanglements in Havana Cigar History (1756-1924)” in El tabaco y la esclavitud en la rearticulación imperial ibérica/O trabalho e a esclavagem na rearticulaço imperial ibérica (s.XVI-XX), eds Santiago de Luxán Meléndez y Joao Figuerio-Rego, CIDEHUS (Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades), Universidade de Evora, Evora, 2018, pp.389-426

“Through a Diasporic or Transnational Lens? Post-’89 Cuban Mobility and Migration in Canada and Western Europe” (co-author Catherine Krull) in Reshaping Glocal Dynamics of the Caribbean: Relaciones y Desconexiones/Relations et Déconnexions/Relations and Disconnections, eds. Anja Bandau, Anne Brüske & Natascha Ueckmann, Heildelberg: HeiUP, 2018, online publication, pp.329-50

“’Not Miami’: Post-1989 Cuban Diasporas in Toronto and Montreal” (co-author Catherine Krull) in Other Diplomacies, Other Ties: Canada and Cuba in the Shadow of the US, eds. Cynthia Wright, Lana Wylie, & Luis René Fernández Tabío, University of Toronto, Toronto, 2018, pp.267-303

“Decentering Cubanidad: Commodification, Cosmopolitanism and Diasporic Engagement Shaping the Cuban Migration to Post-1989 Western Europe” (co-author Catherine Krull) in New Directions in Cuban History, ed. Antoni Kapcia, ILAS, London, 2018, pp.167-210

“Política e sapere: come si e globalizzato el sigaro avana?/Política y saber: cómo se globalizó el habano” in El Habano: Lingua, storia, societa di un prodotto transculturale. Lengua, historia, sociedad de un producto transcultural, eds. Laura Mariottini & Alessandro Oricchio, Rome, Edizioni Efesto, 2017, pp.67-105.

“Grajales Cuello (Coello)” in Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography, eds. Franklyn W. Knight & Henry Louis Gates Jr, Oxford University Press, New York, 2016.

“En busca de Mariana: raza y género en la nación” in Mariana Grajales Cuello: Doscientos años en la historia y la memoria, eds. Damaris Amparo Torres Elers & Israel Escalona Chadez, Ediciones Santiago, Santiago de Cuba, 2015.

“Transnationalism and the Havana Cigar: Commodity Chain Transfers, Networks, and Circuits of Knowledge”, in Cuba in a Global Context: International Relations, Internationalism, and Transnationalism, ed. Catherine Krull, University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2014, pp. 227-42.

“El Habano: The Global Luxury Smoke”, in Global Histories, Imperial Connections, Local Interactions, ed. Jonathan Curry-Machado, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2013, pp. 248-276.

“El Habano: The Global Luxury Smoke”, Commodities of Empire Working Paper No 20, Ferguson Centre for African and Asian Studies, Open University/University of London, September 2012: online publication, pp.22.

“Beyond the Black Atlantic: Understanding Race, Gender and Labour in the Global Havana Cigar”, Comparativ 5, 21, 2012, pp.50-70.

El Habano and the World it Has Shaped: Cuba, Connecticut, and Indonesia”, Cuban Studies 41, 2010, pp.39-67.

“Reinventing Mecca: Tobacco in the Dominican Republic, 1763-2007”, Commodities of Empire Working Paper No 3, Ferguson Centre for African and Asian Studies, Open University/Caribbean Studies Centre/ London Metropolitan University, October 2007: online publication, pp.37.

“Mariana Grajales Cuello” in Encyclopedia of African American Culture and History: the Black Experience in the Americas, eds. Colin Palmer et al, Macmillan Reference USA [Second Edition], 2006, pp.937-8.

“Reflections on Class, Race, Gender and Nation in Cuban Tobacco: 1850-2000” in Revisting Caribbean Labor: Essays in Honour of O. Nigel Bolland, ed. Constance Sutton, Ian Randle, Kingston, 2005, pp.118-136.

“Tobacco in the Contrapunteo: Ortiz and the Havana Cigar” in Cuban Counterpoints: The Legacy of Fernando  Ortiz, eds. Mauricio A. Font and Alfonso W. Quiroz, Lexington, Lanham, MD., 2004, pp.105-123.

“Havana Cigars and the West’s Imagination” in Smoke: A Global History of Smoking, eds. Sander L. Gilman and Zhou Xun, Reaktion Books, London, 2004, pp. 134-139.

“Reflexiones acerca del Gran Caribe: identidades multiples en el mundo del Atlántico” in Utopia para los excluidos: el multiculturalismo en Africa y America Latina, ed. Jaime Arocha, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, 2004, pp. 111-130.

“Race, Gender and National Identity in Nineteenth-Century Cuba: Mariana Grajales Cuello and the Revolutionary Free Browns of Cuba” in Blacks and Coloureds in the Formation of National Identity in Nineteenth-Century Latin America, ed. Nancy Naro, ILAS/Palgrave, London, 2003, pp.95-122.

“Reflections on the Greater Caribbean: Multiple Identities in the Atlantic World” in Association of Caribbean States Yearbook, 2002.

“Translator’s Preface” & “The Afro‑Cuban Festival ‘Day of the Kings’: Fernando Ortiz” in Cuban Festivals: A Century of Afro-Cuban Culture,, ed. Judith Bettelheim, Ian Randle & Markus Wiener, Kingston & Princeton, 2001, pp. xiii-xix & 1-40.

“Turning Over a New Leaf? The Havana Cigar Revisited”, New West Indian Guide, Vol.74, Nos 3 & 4, December 2000, pp.235-255.

“Privileging the AfroCuban Voice” and “Race and the Politics of Memory in Contemporary Black Cuban Consciousness” (co‑author Pedro Pérez Sarduy)  in Afro-Cuban Voices: On Race and Identity in Contemporary Cuba University Press of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. (co-ed. Pedro Pérez Sarduy), 2000, pp.xi-xxi, pp.1-38.

“Latin America” and “Cuba” (co‑author Pedro Pérez Sarduy) in Afropaedia, Cambridge, 1999 [Microsoft Encarta 2000].

“Gender in Caribbean History” in General History of the Caribbean VI: Methodology and Historiography of the Caribbean, ed. Barry Higman, UNESCO/Macmillan, 1999: pp.95-135.

“Social and Political Motherhood of Cuba: Mariana Grajales Cuello” in  Engendering History: Caribbean, Women in Historical Perspective, eds. Verene Shepherd, Bridget Brereton & Barbara Bailey, eds. Ian Randle, Kingston/James Currey, London, 1995, pp.296-317. [Spanish-language version “Mariana Grajales Cuello: madre política y social de Cuba”, Historia y Sociedad, No. 11, 1999, pp.31-56.]

“Introduction” (co-author Pedro Pérez Sarduy) in No longer invisible: Afro-Latin Americans Today, Minority Rights Group, London, 1995, pp.1-17.

“Political Idealism and Commodity Production: Cuban Tobacco in Jamaica, 1870-1930”, Cuban Studies, No. 25, 1995, pp.51-81. [“Cuba y Jamaica en el camino del tabaco”, Del Caribe, No. 26, 1997, pp.81-93].

“Revolutionizing Women, Family and Power” in Women and Politics Worldwide, eds. Najma Chowdhury and Barbara Nelson, Yale University Press, 1994, pp.189-207.

“Fernando Ortiz’ Afro‑Cuban Festival ‘Day of the Kings'” in Cuban Festivals: An Anthology with Glossaries, ed. Judith Bettelheim, Garland, New York, 1993, pp. 3-47.

“The rite of social communion” (co‑author Pedro Pérez Sarduy) in  AFROCUBA: An Anthology of Cuban Writing on Race, Politics and Culture, Latin America Bureau/Center for Cuban Studies/Ocean Press, London/New York/Melbourne, (co‑ed. Pedro Pérez Sarduy), 1993, pp.3-33.

“Women and Cuban Smallholder Agriculture in Transition” in Women and Change in the Caribbean, ed. Janet Momsen, James Currey/Indiana Press/Ian Randle, London/Indianapolis/ Kingston, 1993, pp.219-231.

“Social Equity, Agrarian Transition and Development in Cuba, 1945‑ 1988” in Welfare, Equity and Development in Latin America, eds.Christopher Abel and Colin Lewis, Macmillan, London, 1993, pp.281-295.

“State vs Grass‑Roots Strategies for Rural Democratisation: Recent Developments among the Cuban Peasantry”, Cuban Studies, Spring 1991, pp.149-168.

“Gender Constructs of Labour in Prerevolutionary Cuban Tobacco”,  Social and Economic Studies, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies, Vol 37, Nos 1 and 2, March‑June, l988, pp.241-269.

“Gender Issues in Contemporary Cuban Tobacco Farming”, World Development, Oxford, Vol. 5, No. 1, l987, and Cuba’s Socialist Economy Toward the l990s, ed. Andrew Zimbalist, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder and London, l987, pp.41-65.

“Women on the Agenda: The Cooperative Movement in Rural Cuba” (co‑author Mavis Alvarez) in Rural Women and State Policy, eds. Carmen Diana Deere and Magdalena Leon, Westview Press, Boulder and London, l987, pp.142-61 [“La mujer campesina y la cooperativización agraria en Cuba” in La situación de la mujer rural en América Latina y el Caribe y las políticas del estado, Magdalena León & Carmen Diana Deere, eds., Mexico City, Siglo XXI-ACEP, 1986].

“Labour and Economy in Cuban Tobacco, l860‑l958”, Historical Reflections, December l985, pp.449-467.

“Some Thoughts on the Life History Method and Researching Rural Women”, IDS Bulletin, University of Sussex, January 1984.

“Dandy or Rake? Cigar Makers in Cuba, l860‑1958”, Collected Seminar Papers No. 29, Caribbean Societies, Vol. 1, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, l982, pp.17-25.

Journal Editorship

Caribbean Studies Association Journal, 2021- (Founding Associate Editor)

Millars, 2, 2020 (Guest Co-editor with Santiago de Luxán and Joao Figueiroa-Rego)

Bulletin of Latin American Research, 2015- (Member, Editorial Board)

Cuban Studies 42, 2011 (Guest Co-editor with Catherine Krull)

International Journal of Cuban Studies, 2008-9 (Founding Editor)

Vegueta, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2005- (Associate Editor)

Memorias, Universidad del Norte (Colombia), 2004- (Associate Editor)

Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1998- (Associate Editor)

Society for Caribbean Studies Newsletter, 26-33, 1990-94 (Editor)

Caribbean Studies in the Humanities & the Social Sciences in the UK, Institute of Latin American Studies, London, 1993 (Editor)